Boys’ Cross Country: A Season Full Of Success and Hope
The Boys Cross Country Team poses for a picture with their medals and team trophy on Saturday, Oct. 9, after winning the Division I race at the South Jersey Open at DREAM Park.
With a showcase win under their belt and a record of 16-0, the boy’s cross country team is looking to make it to the highest level this season. After training for months in the summer, putting in the miles has finally paid off.
Coach Fourney says the team’s biggest goal is to qualify for the big meets towards the end of the season, which includes the Meet of Champions. Last year’s Meet of Champions did not happen due to COVID-19.
“Their main goal is to try and qualify for the Meet of Champions at the end of the season,” Coach Fourney said. “In order to qualify, the boys would have to be one of the top two teams in Group II at the state meet.”

On Saturday, October 2nd, the team ran at Holmdel Park in Monmouth County, where both the state meet and the Meet of Champions, are held. The boys competed against all of the group II teams and placed third. The team is currently working to move up in ranks and get into the top two teams.
This past weekend the boys’ team continued their success in their race at DREAM Park, the Sectional course located in Logan Township. They raced against teams from South Jersey and came out on top. With four of their seven varsity runners placing in the top 10, the boys won the Division I race.
Alex Boyko placed third overall with a time of 16:23.48, Matt McCarron finished sixth in 16:48.71, Derek Coceano finished seventh in 17:00.63 and TJ Schill placed 10th in 17:06.30. All set personal bests this past weekend.
Junior TJ Schill is excited about the team’s future success and more wins at bigger meets.
“This season is another step in the process and we just keep getting faster,” Schill said.
Schill is looking forward to bigger meets, like sectionals and states, where the whole team can improve and run at their full potential. He says their success will be based on how prepared the team is.
“I’m most excited for the sectional meet and state meet because I know we have the ability to do really well there, it’s just a matter of making sure that we are prepared,” Schill said.
The success of the Boys’ Cross Country program could be attributed to the team’s camaraderie; the athletes are very close, as they all trained together since the summer.
“They all have been very good in having positive attitudes and supporting each other through the ups and downs of the season,” Coach Fourney said.
But, one runner specifically stands out to Coach Fourney.

“I have nothing but good things to say about all of the runners and their dedication to the sport, but I will mention our top runner, Alex Boyko,” Fourney said. “He has run more miles during the summer and early season than most of any other junior that I have ever coached.”
Alex Boyko, one of nine juniors on the team, thinks that once the team gets over small injuries, they can do very well. Boyko said he wants to set new personal records this year and place well at states.
“I just want our team to be able to make it to the Meet of Champs and hopefully place well at some of these bigger meets like the County Open or BCSL meet,” Boyko said.
He said he is ready for a good race at the County Open and meeting new competition at States and Meet of Champs.
Overall, the boys are excited to have new opportunities this year. They are eager to perform at the Sectional and State Meets later on in the season and hope to make it to the final and most competitive meet, the Meet of Champions, which will be held on Saturday, November 20th, at Holmdel Park.