New Cell Phone Policy Drawing Positive Reviews Thus Far

Non-CHS students text during a class when the teacher is commanding the room at the front of class.
April 19, 2016
For the 2015-2016 school year, a newer, more liberal cell phone policy was put into action. Last year cell phones were completely prohibited unless the classroom was B.Y.O.T. This year students are allowed to have them out at appropriate times in the classrooms and at a teacher’s approval. Although phones are able to be used, social media is not allowed (and in fact blocked on the school’s wi-fi) unless it is a school used app like Edmodo. Some though, are starting to say that the new rule may be getting abused.
Students are using their phones for the wrong reasons after most have figured out ways around the school’s security and most are now enjoying Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and texting during the school day. As senior Katera Williams states, “Some people abuse it. I’ve seen people walk into walls because they use it [their phones] so much. But it’s nice to know I have freedom,” she finished.
Ever since the policy debuted, it is all students seem to be worried about – their personal freedoms.
The cell phone policy has gained more flexibility in the school, but is still at the discretion of each teacher in their own classrooms, “In my classroom there are set guidelines that students willingly follow. I do wish there was a cell phone free day though where students would turn their phone into the office at the start of the day,” says Reading Specialist Mrs. Damiri.
Some however think that it’s crazy it took this long to put the rule in effect.
Mr. Lombardo believes “I would have had the cell phone policy open since 2006.”
On the same page as him is Mr. Campbell who says “it’s crazy to tell someone to put the mini computer in their hands away especially if it’s needed.”
If students are going to be truly prepared for the future, it is up to the school to make sure that they are prepared for all areas, including technology. In the past, Cinnaminson has taken the easy road and banned the electronics, but they are now embracing it for the right reasons. But, the transition has not been perfect says Mr. Campbell.
“It may be getting abused a little. The transition is difficult, especially for the seniors who spent their whole high school experience one way,” states Mr. Campbell.
Although there is controversy over the tested cell phone policy, it seems like it’s going to be around for a while based on what assistant principal of Cinnaminson, Mr. Gorman, has to say.
“Thus far the program has been successful. Students are using it responsibly and because of the allowed use of phones, the number of students getting written up has dropped significantly,” Mr. Gorman said.
Maybe this is part of the change Cinnaminson needed.